Mission Statement
Mission & Objectives
As a collaborative community committed to excellence we at Mariemont Elementary School educate and inspire each student to become self-reliant, well-rounded, critical thinkers and life-long learners, who positively contribute to society, by providing all students with challenging, personalized instruction that integrates current technology and encourages innovation and creativity, in a diverse, inclusive and dynamic learning environment.
- All students will successfully complete a yearly personalized goal-based learning plan to ensure high-quality outcomes.
- All students will increase academic performance on an individual level, by engaging in multi-faceted learning experiences that promote self-reliance and critical thinking skills.
- Every year, each student will participate in a variety of enrichment activities and/or programs both in and out of the classroom, to develop positive individual character traits, which help them become responsible and caring members of society.
We will ensure all staff is providing challenging and personalized instruction in an environment that encourages innovation and creativity through the implementation of instructional strategies and the use of assessment data to increase achievement on common core standards.- Implement Common Care State Standards, incrementally, to improve instructional strategies and increase achievement.
- Integrate a system that uses data to inform instructional practices.
- Implement instructional strategies that provide challenging and personalized instruction and create an environment that encourages innovation and creativity.
We will provide a personalized, goal-based learning plan to meet each student's educational needs.- Develop and implement a Personalized, Goal-based Leaning Plan (PGLP) for each student to meet his/her educational needs.
- Report to parents and acknowledge each child's progress on their learning goal throughout each trimester.
We will ensure all staff is integrating technology into classroom instruction to support each student's academic and personal growth.- Implement a system of on-going opportunities to augment, manage and update hardware and software on campus.
- Teachers will enhance their instruction through the use of technology.
- Students will have the opportunity to enhance their learning through the use of technology.
We will cultivate a school culture were families and the community are valued as essential partners in each student's educational success.- Coordinate and communicate current teacher needs and parent/community resources to support teachers and the school.
- Implement events throughout the year making sure to include existing and newly registered families.
- Create a Welcome and Appreciation Committee to reach out to newcomers and to thank volunteers.
- Create and implement a training program for volunteers for specific types of student support in the classrooms.
- Create and offer training for teachers to utilize volunteers for specific types of student support in the classroom.
Last Modified on December 17, 2014