Get Involved
Mariemont PTA
Mariemont PTA will strive to positively impact the lives of all students and their families by providing meaningful educational opportunities and engaging family activities throughout the school year. We will sponsor programs to enhance the academic experience and learning environment of all students. We will foster communication and cooperation between parents, teachers, staff and the local community.
The Mariemont PTA was established in 1953. We have a long history of supporting our school and community. Mariemont Elementary is fortunate to have unbelievable family support. There are a range of opportunities for everyone to be actively involved in the school. Volunteering is a great way to stay connected with your student’s education. It is also a wonderful way to connect with other parents and make lasting friendships. Involved families truly make a difference at our school and your time and talent is appreciated!
The PTA is organized and managed by an Executive Board. The Executive Board meets monthly to manage all fundraisers as well as community and school events.
Join PTA
Membership is important. It’s demonstrates that you believe in our school, our community and public education. For the nominal fee of $11.00 you can join Mariemont PTA to show your support. Mariemont PTA receives $5.00 of your contribution. The remaining funds are distributed to 3rd District PTA (Sacramento Area), California State PTA, and National PTA. New this year, you can join online!
PTA General Meetings
All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend our PTA General Meetings. They are a great way to stay informed, meet our Principal and share your thoughts about our school community. Keep in mind that only PTA members are permitted to vote on motions and official business. Meeting are held in the MP Room at 7:00pm.
Ways to Stay Informed
News Flash
Sign up for the weekly, on-line newsletter the Mariemont News Flash. The NewsFlash is emailed every Thursday and includes time-sensitive information. To sign-up, complete the form.
New this year! Visit the Mariemont PTA Website regularly for information on membership, forms, events, volunteer opportunities, logo wear ordering and to contact an PTA executive board member.